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Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2002
The Big News

Well, I decided to take it upon myself to start an online diary. I have very exciting things going on in my life right now, and it would just be plain silly of me not to document them. The paper diary I bought is not calling to me regularly like I'd hoped, so I'm going to take a clue and realize that I am much more inclined to write when I can type (and when I'm bored at work, which is often).

My exciting news is that I'm pregnant. 11 weeks and 5 days to be exact. This is my first child, and my husband and I are ecstatic about it! If you've happened upon this journal by accident and you don't want to read about morning sickness, headaches and constipation, I suggest you back up slowly - cuz that's my life right now.

Actually things are getting better. Around 7 weeks things started to kick in a little bit. Food aversions (while being hungry pretty much all the time), super strong sense of smell - which can be a good thing, but more often is a bad thing, nausea and constipation. AND THE HEADACHES! Constantly. There's nothing I can do about them. I am allowed to take Tylenol, but it doesn't help much. I'm sure working on a computer all day doesn't help any (not to mention my incessant TV watching) - because they're the 'behind-the-eye' kind.

But, I have to say, in the last few days, my headaches have been fewer and milder, and the nausea has subsided, for the most part ( I think the headaches may have been triggering that a bit anyway). I really don't have too much to complain about because my sister-in-law is also pregnant and she's throwing up every day. Her last pregnancy she had to go in to Urgent Care to get an IV - cuz she couldn't keep enough nourishment down, and they were worried about the baby's developement.

Next week I have my 12 week appointment, and Pete and I will get to hear the heartbeat. That's gonna be soooo cool. I'm sure I'll cry - of course, everything makes me cry these days, but not in a bad way. It's usually happy or touching events that trigger the tears. Not sadness. I haven't been the least bit sad. I'm not nervous or overwhelmed or scared. I'm just happy. It's really a nice feeling.


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