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Thursday, Oct. 31, 2002
Blissful 2nd Trimester

Maternity news: One of the lovely side-effects of my pregnancy that I forgot to mention yesterday is that I look like a teenager. What I mean is... my FACE looks like a teenager's. I'm 32 freakin' years old and I'm breaking out like I'm 16! Nothing I've tried works very well. The doctor finally gave me some prescription gel that's keeping it tolerable - but even that isn't getting rid of it completely. I'm supposed to be glowing - not greasy!! Pete keeps telling me I don't look as bad as I think I do. But, he's my husband (and he's sweet), so he's expected to say that!

I haven't started wearing maternity clothes yet, but I'm starting to show. Not really to the outside world, but I can tell when I'm naked. There's a definate roundness to my belly - and it's hard! I can't suck it in. We started taking photos at 8 weeks, so we can see the progression. It's fun to watch my body change. Did I mention I have new boobs? Without surgery! They're great! I've already gone up an entire size, in both categories, and they're so firm! I'm 16 again in that respect as well ;> Pregnancy does have it's pluses (besides the end result, of course).

I'm not as tired as I have been up until now. I think the blissful 2nd trimester is setting in. I've been looking forward to it. I'm just anxious to show. People think I'm crazy when I say that, but I just want the world to know.

Non-maternity news: Pete and I went to our first Timberwolves game last night (well, our first non-preseason game, anyway). It was a good time, but the team didn't look so great. They're kind of sloppy - but they are missing a couple of good players right now, unfortunately. Hopefully they'll get it together before they play Washington next week, because they really should've just clocked Denver, and they didn't. It will be fun to see Jordan again.

Happy Halloween, by the way! I'm a lame-o and didn't dress up today. We have a Velma, a Geisha girl & Yosemite Sam at work today. I really like the Velma. I was going to dig out my nun costume and be a pregnant nun, but I forgot to get it out of 'storage' last night, (which really means it was stuffed in a ball in the back of my cedar chest) - so it looked really bad this morning when I pulled it out. I didn't have time to iron it and make it look good.

Tonight we're going over to Pete's sister's house to check out the new digs. We helped them move in a couple of months ago, but haven't seen it since they've gotten everything in it's place. I'm excited to see it. Of course, it will just make me want a brand new house of my own, but that will come in time (I hope). Besides, I'm happy where we live. It's cozy. And will be even cozier once our bundle arrives. It's home - it's a good thing.


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