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Friday, Nov. 22, 2002
Kentucky road trip

My husband has gone on a rather sudden road trip. His friend told him yesterday that he was going to drive down to Kentucky to pick up a Porsch or something that he bought, and Pete offered to ride with him - for company.

I really don't mind - it should be fun for him. He always talks about going on road trips. He'd rather drive down to Charleston to see my parents than fly. But, I have to admit this friend of his worries me a little. He always drives WAY too fast (especially in a car like this which he intends to race) and he doesn't have the best judgement in the world. Every single time we have gotten together with him in a group setting where we were drinking (which was pretty much every time we've gotten together with him) he's drank so much that he's puked. Now, c'mon - it's one thing when you're 23 - but he's in his mid 30's ferchrissakes! When's he gonna learn his limit??

He lives Northwest of the cites about 2 1/2 hours so, when he comes down he always needs a place to crash. I'm leary of letting him stay at our place, because I know he's going to end up yakking in our bathroom (if he even makes it that far). Luckily, up until now, somebody else has always offered to put him up.

Anyway, I don't mean to trash on Pete's friends. He's a nice guy and all - and I like him, I just worry about Pete when he's with him sometimes. Especially now.

Actually, I'm pretty lucky. Because I really like all of Pete's friends. They're all a really good group of guys. Treat their girls right, and are fun, respectful people - enjoyable to be around. They all like to drink a lot - but so do Pete and I, so that's not really a problem.

I hated my ex-husband's friends. They were all a bunch of jerks. They'd talk about each other behind their backs, and they treated their girlfriends like shit. The majority of them were cheating. I should've gotten a clue that if Kevin liked to hang out with those types of people, it said something about the type of person he was. Oh well, live and learn, right?


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