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Tuesday, May. 06, 2003
Surprise... I'm calm.

I'm in a very good mood today.

I slept well - which always helps. And then I slept IN - which is even better. I woke up at my usual time, and, even though I felt pretty good, I thought about my lack of projects at work, and decided not to get up just then. I rolled into work around 10:30 (after eating TWO cherry danishes), and it was nice.

I'm not pre-occupied with Thursday at all today. We'll see how I feel tomorrow :)

Pete and I went to see the X-Men last night. It was okay - kinda long. Of course my tolerance for long movies is diminished right now. My back started to hurt about 3/4 of the way through. And why do they have to show a half an hour of previews before a two hour movie, I ask you? Plus, I had a little bit of a hard time following all the characters, because I don't read the X-Men comics. They didn't do a great job of telling the story to the lay person. I suppose they expected that only X-Men fans would go see the movie. But, I wanted to check out Hugh and Halle.

After that I putsed (sp?) around the nursery - re-folding clothes and diapers, re-packing my hospital bag, re-reading about labor and medications and breastfeeding basics. I set up the monitor so it's in a good place to hear her. I packed away all the stuffed animals I had in the crib, so now it's completely empty... just waiting for our little Bump to fill it.

Two more days...


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