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Monday, May. 05, 2003
38 weeks

This is my last belly photo. 38 weeks. I've gained a total of 34 pounds, and should probably not gain anymore until I give birth on Thursday.

I had my last doctor's appointment today as well. She hooked me up to a stress-test monitor to check the baby's heartbeat, and to see if I was having any contractions. No contractions this morning, but the baby's readings were fabulous. She's just been passing all the tests with flying colors! I'm already so pround of my little baby bump!

I am dialated to almost a 2, and Dr Liu stripped my membranes. It was a little uncomfortable, but not terrible. I'm quite crampy now - but I took some Tylenol and that seems to be helping. This could send me into natural labor before Thursday. I kind of hope it does. But, if it doesn't that will be okay too. Having it all scheduled is nice.

I was having some pains last night starting around 4am. I don't know if they were contractions or not. They seemed to be lasting too long to be contractions. I wasn't timing them though- so maybe it just felt like a long time. Nothing severe, just like bad menstrual cramps. They woke me up several times. I hope I don 't have those every night until Thursday or I'm not going to get much sleep. I'll just have to take 2 Tylenol before bed to curb the pains.

I've been distracted today. I guess the labor is really on my mind now. The closer it gets, the more scared I get. I have to focus my thoughts on the baby, and how great it will be once she's here.


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