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Wednesday, Jul. 09, 2003
Please tell me it gets easier.

Today I feel like the biggest screw-up of a Mother ever. Let's just start a running list of the things I've done wrong since my child was born...

First, I let her sleep on her tummy, because after trying to lay her down on her back and having her wake up for the umpteenth time, I decided it's the only way she'll sleep! Call the SIDS alliance police. Next, I pick her up and walk around with her whenever she cries and now she expects it and screams bloody murder if I don't. I let her pacify herself on my breast early on, before I knew to listen for the swallowing, and now she needs to do that to console herself (because of course, she won't take a pacifier), therefore I'm still getting sore nipples 8 weeks after she's born. She needs to be put to sleep in my arms and then layed down. She'll never go to sleep on her own in her crib, because that's what I've trained her to do. I let her sleep all day because I was told she would fix her own schedule, but she keeps me up until 4am because she's not sleepy. She won't take a bottle and I can't bear to force it on her, so I've basically given up all freedom for the next year or until I wean her. Oh, and don't forget that I let her sleep with me sometimes, because after hours of screaming, it's the only way I can get her to fall asleep!

On top of all that I'm a screw-up wife, because I can't understand what the phone guy is trying to tell me could be wrong with the phone, and I allowed him to charge me 18 bucks for a visit and not fix a thing.

I need a nap... no, I need a drink!

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