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Tuesday, Nov. 04, 2003
I'm back!

I started back to work yesterday. I originally was going back in September (when Lucy was around 4 months) - but I wasn't ready. My boss and my daycare person where awesome about it, and told me I could wait until she was 6 months if I would be more comfortable. Pete was supportive about it as well. It turns out that was the right decision. She took to the daycare much better than I could have ever hoped. All the other little kids really keep her interested (and distracted :).

The only bump in the road yesterday was that she got rather hungry around 11:30, and refused to eat cereal (she still won't take a bottle). So I came a little early and nursed her. Her afternoon when swimmingly. She ate her oatmeal like a champ and played with her toys and the other kids.

I fully expected her to be clingy and fussy last night, but she was great. Just her old regular self. She's been so happy lately - it's been wonderful.

I think she's happy to be moving. She started scooting around and can really get where she wants to be. She sits up unassisted and can play with her toys for quite long periods of time.

I'm doing well back at the old grindstone. It's nice to get dressed and get out everyday (well 3 days a week, anyway :) - but I miss her. It will be nice to have 4 days in a row with her. I don't think I could handle working full time.

Well, that's all for now. I guess now that I'm back in front of a computer 8 hours a day I'll be writing more entries again. At least Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays :)


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