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Wednesday, Nov. 05, 2003
3rd day and getting harder

Well, I have to say, the first day was easier than the third day. I really miss my little girl. But, just as it's getting really hard, I get 4 days to spend with her. Unfortunately, though, she has to get shots tomorrow. I hate making her get shots - they have to hold her little legs down, and she looks at me with these tear-filled eyes like "Mom, why are you letting them hurt me?" And it breaks my heart.

Daycare is really going well, though. Lucy has adjusted so well, I really couldn't have asked for an easier transition.

Last night she was up every 2 hours. I'm not sure if she just missed me or if she was having a bad tummy reaction to the spicy pepperoni pizza I ate. The sleep-deprevation hasn't hit me too hard yet, but I think around 2 o'clock it will. I will probably be found at my desk snoozing away.

This weekend we have our first family portrait taken. Lucy will be 6 months old. I still don't know what we're going to wear. I have several ideas, but I can't settle on one. Hopefully Lucy will be happy and photogenic that day :)

Just got a job to do, so ciao!


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