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Monday, Nov. 10, 2003
4 day weekend

I keep forgetting to mention that my diary looks like shit because I lost my Gold account and diaryland is no longer hosting my images. I wrote to them and asked if I could retrieve them if I renew my membership, but I have yet to receive a response. I may have to redo the look and host my images elsewhere.

We're coming off our first 4 day weekend, me and Luce, and Mondays are going to continue to be hard, I think. I miss her today. And when I went to nurse her at lunch Janeen said she had a rough patch around 11:40 where she was inconsolable. It's hard when she cries like that. But, she was able to distract her and by the time I got there to feed her she was happy again (well, not really happy, but not crying, at least.)

The hardest part so far about this daycare thing, is that Lucy decides that she doesn't want to sleep at night anymore for about 3 nights. She'll get up every 2-3 hours just to spend time with us. Then after a day away from daycare, she's back to her normal schedule of one nighttime waking. Hopefully this will get better as time goes on.

We got our family picture taken on Saturday. It didn't go as well as I'd hoped, but I think we'll get a couple of okay family shots out of it. We went to JCPenney's - so I guess you get what you pay for. It seemed kind of rushed, and we got no decent shots of Lucy by herself. And even though they had us pick out two backgrounds, they only took pictures with one. When I made the sales lady aware of this, she simply said "Well, we're so busy, that nobody's getting two backgrounds today." In my book this does not make it okay - just because everybody's getting screwed, then it must be alright? Not. Besides, why did they have us pick two if they knew they'd only use one?

I'll give them another chance, when it's not the Christmas rush, and see if they improve. If they don't, I'm going to try someplace else.

What else..... oh, Lucy had her 6 month doctor's visit on Thursday. She got two shots, and was a brave little sport for both of them. Didn't cry whatsoever on the first, and stopped crying from the second the minute I picked her up. She weighs 15 pounds 10 ounces, and is 25 3/4 inches long. This puts her in the 50th percential in both - which is quite the little growth spurt, considering she's only been in the 10th percential up until now!

She got a horrible little cold, courtesy of daycare, I'm sure. Poor little thing was a snot factory for a couple of days. It's much better now. She was actually snoring on the first night. Pete thought it was cute and taped it.

'Spose I'd better go do some work!


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