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Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003
Yeah, I'm tired...

So, I guess I was wrong about why they did a C-section on Kim. It wasn't that she was pushing too long after all. I was just taking an educated guess, because I hadn't heard from Ben yet. I had only heard from her Mom that they had to do one at 3 in the morning, and I knew that to be about a day and a half since her water had broken, and 20 hours or something since they'd started her Pitocin drip.

Apparetly, the Pitocin didn't take at all - she had absolutely no response to it. No contractions, no dialation... zip! I've never heard of that before. I've always heard that it intesifies labor, compared to going natural. It was pretty intense for me, but I have nothing to compare my experience to.

So, he sent me pictures of the new babe last night - isn't she just the cutest thing...

My life is pretty much hell right now. I haven't had a decent night's sleep in so long, I'm practically hallucinating. Lucy started in recently, and has gotten progressively worse. The night before last she woke up every hour and a half - you could set your clock by her. Last night she started waking up about every hour, so after the second time I did what I swore I couldn't do, and I let her cry it out.

I knew she was fed, warm, dry... I had given her Gripe Water in case she had gas or nausea, and after she cried for about an hour I gave her Tylenol in case she had a headache. I changed her sheet to the super soft jersey one and made sure her favorite blanket was in her crib.

The way she would stop crying instantly when I picked her up just lead me to believe that she wasn't in any kind of discomfort, she just didn't want to go to sleep - she wanted me to hold her and walk with her all night long.

So, I did it, I let her cry - and it was soooo hard. I don't think this is going to be the last of it, either. Because after she finally fell asleep the first time (after crying for almost 2 hours, off and on) she still woke up an hour and a half later, and then two hours after that, and then three hours after that. Hopefully it will only take a couple more nights of this and we'll both be happier people. She's so fussy all the time lately - I just know she needs a regular sleep schedule and things will get better. I'll be a better mother for it, too.

At this point I'm a little nervous to be driving - seriously. I've never been this sleep deprived in my life. It's amazing that I can do my job.

I'm supposed to go to a Timberwolves game with Pete tonight, but he's seeing if a friend wants to go with him. I don't think I'll be able to make it. I'm a zombie.

Okay, have I driven the point through your skulls that I am tired? Geez - I read back through this entry and I think I mentioned it half a dozen times!

Pete is going to the Lord of the Rings midnight showing tonight. So, he'll be a zombie tomorrow. What a pair we'll be. I wonder who's going to take care of our daughter...


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