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Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003
Traveling with Lucy

I'm starting to get pretty excited about our trip down to Charleston... as always. I'm especially pumped this year because Lucy gets to see her grandparents, and more importantly, they get to see her! My Dad hasn't seen her since she was 1 month old - he'll be so impressed with all she can do now!! My Mom got to see her again this summer, but she's still changed so much even since then.

She can crawl super fast now - and she pulls herself up on furniture, and in her crib. It's cool. They haven't seen her when see sits up and giggles and smiles a ton - or eating solids. So may new things.

I'm a little nervous about the plane ride, but not too bad. She's always pretty good when we're in a situation where everything is new and interesting. She just quietly observes all the newness around her.

Pete and I were just debating about whether to bring the stroller or not. We're thinking not now. We rarely use it, and it takes up our entire trunk, so we probably wouldn't even be able to fit our luggage in there with it anyway. We might get a little umbrella stroller, though - those are cheap. That way if we get tired of carrying her, she can go in there. She really prefers to be held anyway, so I'm thinking we'll be holding her most the time. We can just check her carseat as a piece of luggage.

Anybody who has any advice about traveling with an infant, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm trying to plan ahead for every possible thing, but I'm sure there are things I'm not thinking of. I tried going to the airline's website and they have zip on tips for traveling with children. I kind of thought that would be a big deal, and they'd have a whole section on it. I suppose I could try some other airlines and see if they have anything - I'm sure most of them have similair policies.

K - gotta run. Ciao-Pazzobello

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