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Friday, Nov. 01, 2002
Trick or Treaters

I love Halloween. We went over to Barb & Ken's house last night and got to see all the cute trick-or-treaters come to the door. Living in an apartment or condo for the last 8 years or so, I haven't gotten to enjoy that part of Halloween for awhile. My little nephew was Bob the Builder. It was pretty darn cute. Of course, we always buy candy "just in case". And then get to eat it all ourselves because nobody comes to our door.

Barb wants to have a baby shower for me in April. At first, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty. I didn't do that for her when she had her baby. At that time I had never even BEEN to a baby shower, much less have known how to throw one. So, I talked to her about it - but she didn't even care. She is from here and had a big group of friends throw hers, so the fact that me and Jennifer didn't do one didn't phase her. I, on the other hand, have a very small group of friends, and am not originally from Minnesota, so holding one for me makes more sense to her. It made me feel better to talk to her about it. Now I'm excited. Especially since she's having it in her new house - which is beautiful, by the way. And smells new. I love new smell.

Today I am 12 weeks. I have been having some strange pains in my abdomen lately - especially in the morning. It's not like cramps, which I had in the beginning for a few weeks. It's a little more painful. But, then it goes away. I'm pretty sure it's just my uterus growing out over my pelvis. It's bound to cause a bit of discomfort when you think about what's really happening. I've gotten tired again early in the evening as well. I haven't really felt the need to have a nap in the middle of the day, like I did in the beginning, but I do get tired earlier sometimes. Not always, though. On Wednesday I was wide awake all day and through the game. Then we came home and I watched TV for a little while before I crashed. I guess it's just not predictable. Gotta go with the flow.


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