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Monday, Nov. 04, 2002

My folks are invited to a clambake this week. I'm jealous. It sounds fun. They get to do fun things like that down in Charleston. My Mom was complaining that it was 'cold' down there - in the 60's. She knows it's annoying for me to hear such things, but she still always says them. I'm sure she forgets. She's getting so bad at remembering things. Every single time I talk to her on the phone she repeats herself. She tells me the same storys she told me last time we spoke. I still miss her though. Even though she's going senile :)

I gained 1 1/2 more pounds. So, that's a grand total of 3 1/2 pounds. I had to go through my pants this weekend and put away the ones that are too tight. It's VERY uncomfortable to wear pants that are too tight right now. So, I thought I'd just get them out of my sight and I won't be tempted to wear them. Besides, I needed to make room for maternity clothes. Front and center. 10 pieces that I'm going to be wearing over and over for the next 6 months straight.

The countdown begins... only two more days until my doctor's appointment. I can't believe they make you wait so long for your first appointment. It's torture. I'm just dying to know if everything's okay. I'm sure it is - but it's natural to worry. Especially with my other miscarriage. But, I know it's different this time, I can feel it. I had the slightest bit of blood yesterday. It freaked me out when I first saw it. But, then I calmed down and remembered that it's probably fine. Besides, it was so miniscule - nothing like the last time.

So, I'll probably not be able to talk (or think) about anything else until Wednesday. If I sound like a boring, broken record, please know that it will pass. I think.


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