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Monday, Nov. 04, 2002
Yay - a heartbeat!

So, y'all are gonna get a bonus entry today, because of the crazy events that took place this morning and early afternoon.

I was spotting again today, ever so slightly. And I had read that if you bleed at all, with or without pain, anytime after the 12th week, you should call you doctor. So, I did. And she decided to have me come in. Which, at first, made me more nervous, because I thought she wouldn't do that if there weren't cause for concern.

But, when we got there, she said some bleeding is often common throughout a pregnancy. Especially if you've recently had sex. (so now everybody knows that Pete and I were getting busy recently... but we're entitled!) And she wasn't worried - she just wanted to give me piece of mind because of my miscarriage. She's great like that because she had a miscarriage the first time she got pregnant too, and then went on to have a beautiful little girl, who is now 13 months old. So, everything is fresh in her head, and she related to me so well.

Well, anyway - she still wants me to come in on Wednesday for all my normal OB stuff, but she let us hear the heartbeat today!! It was so cool! I didn't cry, like I thought I would. But I laughed! I couldn't stop. She was having a hard time keeping the dopler in place because my belly was moving so much from the laughing. The heartbeat was SOOOO loud. I really didn't expect that. It was so easy to hear, and she said it was very strong. So - everything is fine, and I am so happy I'm grinning from ear-to ear.


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