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Tuesday, Nov. 05, 2002
I'm a Minnesotan, Ya...Hoser.

I forgot to mention that today is my 10 year anniversary living in Minnesota. I moved up here on election day in 1992, in the middle of a big snow storm. I guess that makes me an official Northerner now. I've even picked up some of the accent o proove it.

PS - go fill out my new baby name survey by clicking on the 'about me - read my profile' box at the bottom of the page, and then 'pazzobello's survey page'. (I know if you're not a diaryland member you have to sign up to fill our surveys - and that's pretty lame - but it really doesn't take very long, and they won't send you SPAM. Otherwise, if you are a friend or a member of my family that is reading this you can just e-mail me your answers if you'd rather not sign up.) Thanks!


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