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Wednesday, Nov. 06, 2002
Moody Day

Today's been kind of an odd day. I woke up in a grumpy mood... thinking about this bitch at work that I have to work with all the time, and how much I HATE HER, and annoyed with my friend Tracy, for once again blowing me off. Pete succeeded in cheering me up, as he often does, and I went off to work feeling fine. Then we started trouble shooting my computer because for some reason I suddenly can't burn disks - which in my line of work I need to be able to do. So, since I couldn't run my computer while Pete was trying to fix it, I decided to instead run some errands.

The sun was out this morning and the weather is unseasonable warm, so I was in a good mood driving around. I love to run errands when it's nice outside. I bought two new fishies for my tank to keep my lonely one company (so he'll stop playing in the bubbles like he's bored all the time and making me sad), and got fresh new moss for my toads. But when I got back to my desk, my poor husband was in a severe state of stress and annoyance. My stupid computer is not cooperating, and after over an hour of dicking around with it, he was unable to locate the source of the problem. I feel so helpless when he has to deal with that shit. I couldn't help if I tried. I'm clueless about computer repair.

I've eaten nothing but McDonald's today. My doctor would cringe if she knew that. It really wasn't intentional. Since I caused Pete to be a little late for work (due to his needing to cheer me up - pay attention), he asked that I stop at McDonalds and pick him up a coffee. Well... I can't be expected to stop at Mickey D's and not get myself a sausage mcmuffin, now can I? And then since I was eating breakfast later (and more of it) than I usually do, I wasn't hungry when lunch came - hence the errand running. However when I came back, poor Pete was starving. So, he decided to make a quick run to none other than McDonalds - because it's very close to the office. I figured I'd better eat SOMETHING... so I had him pick me up a cheeseburger. My sweet little baby is going to be a junk-food junkie - just like her Mama. There ain't no avoiding it, I can see that now.

Last night was a very exciting T-Wolves game against the Wizards. Jordan made a few amazing moves, as expected. But the best part was that we were losing through the 3rd quarter and then we came back like fireballs in the 4th. I was on my feet quite a lot, and yelling like a crazy woman. It was very thrilling.

Anyway - I realize there is not a single pregnancy related word in this entry, but there's really nothing going on. I will have more to report tomorrow when I have had my Dr.'s appt.


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