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Friday, Nov. 08, 2002
New template search

I've been spending all of today, and half of yesterday looking for a new template. I happened upon those nifty free designers that will allow you to download one of their templates for nothing but a little recognition. And I also found this great site that teaches kids basic HTML. So, I've been practicing it - but I still don't have enough faith in myself to try one of those, so I'm going to continue to search for the perfect design that reflects my style to a 'T'.

In the meantime - my computer is still broken - in fact, it's broken-ER. Now not only will it not burn disks, it seems to want to crash 15 times a day. So, I'm writing in my diary from someone else's computer and it's awkward. I'm not used to this keyboard, and this mouse, and my seat is too low, and my neck hurts. Who knew not sitting at your own computer desk could cause so my strain on your body!

Nothing really interesting to report pregnancy-wise. I did have my doctor's appointment. Pete came along. My doctor said that my cervix tends to bleed easily, so not to be alarmed if it happens again. I'm just surprised it hasn't happened before now, if that's really the case. And she gave us a pamphlet to read, to decide if we want to take the 'triple-test'. This is where they take blood and it can determine if your baby has a chance of being born with downs syndrome. But, the sucky thing is, it often comes back with a false positive (I seem to remember this happening to my cousin, Laurie) - so not only do you go through a state of panic for awhile, you must then decide if you're willing to take the next test which will determine for certain if there is a problem. This test takes tissue from the actual baby (I think - or at least from inside the womb) and has a small chance of causing miscarriage. Well, after some fairly brief thought on the subject Pete and I agreed that we'd rather just wait. We wouldn't terminate the pregnancy if we got a positive result, so there's no real need to know at this point. Why cause myself undue stress, right?

So, that's my life for now. Tonight we are going to a co-worker's open house at his wife's flower shop, because they did a lot of additions and changes to the place. It should be fun - the weather's nice and I haven't been out in awhile.

Oh - by the way - I know my about me link doesn't work. I left it half undone, and figured if I'm going with a new template anyway, maybe I'll wait.


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