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Monday, Nov. 11, 2002
HealthPartners SUCKS!!!!

I did lots of baby type stuff today. Some of which was really frustrating. I called my no-good insurance company - HealthPartners - only to find out that they basically cover NOTHING. Okay, so it says in my handbook 'Prenatal care - 100% covered, no deductible applies'. But it doesn't elaborate any more than that, so you'd think that means exactly that, right? 100% of everything related to prenatal - or maternity - or having a baby, or whatever you want to call it. But, noooooo - many many restrictions apply, but they decided not to print those, I guess.

0% of a breastpump is covered, unless medically necessary, like because the baby has to be away from the mother for an extended period of time immediately after birth do to illness. 0% of birth, parenting, Lamaze, etc... classes covered because they are not "medically necessary". Oh, and if I ever have to go into the doctor because of any kind of emergency - even if it's related to the baby - it's not covered. Only the scheduled visits, like 12 weeks, every month until 7 months, and then whatever the schedule is at that time. So, like my emergency miscarriage... not covered. My bleeding last week when the doctor said to come in so we could check the heartbeat... not covered. Don't get HealthPartners people, I'm tellin' ya - they suck the big hairy green one.

But, I did register for our classes that we want to take, and got in on the dates that I wanted to. So, I'm psyched about that. I may be acting a bit prematurely on those, but 'the book' said to register early in pregnancy, and I'm already in my 2nd trimester. Better too early than too late, right?

What else.... nothing really baby-wise. I'm having my friend Michelle over for dinner tonight. She's bummed because she and her fiance broke up over the weekend. It was her doing the breaking-up though, so she's not too bad off. In fact, she may be doing better than she has been because the decision is made and done. It's been eating her alive for a few months now, and that's gotta be worse. I'm making clam-chowder. My Mom gave me a yummy-sounding recipe for it that I haven't tried yet, so we'll see how that turns out. It's a good time for me to try it, because Michelle loves seafood, and Pete really doesn't have any interest... at least not in clam chowder.


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