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Thursday, Nov. 14, 2002
Too much powder

I've been a grumpy-grump today. Mostly because I've got a headache. But also because me hubby and I were discussing our furniture options again. And that always gets me a little bummed out. I'm afraid to spend money right now - even though we could use some things, like new chairs for our table. We've had this nice table for over 2 years now - we got it for our wedding, and it deserves to have nice chairs pushed up to it, not the ugly-ass ones that are there now. Or some type of new CD display slash storage unit. We're still both unclear as to what the solution to that is. Everything out there is either ugly, unstable or pissy quality. We're going to have to come up with something completely new - something not even meant for CD's.

But, honestly - even though those are two things we really NEED... neither one excites me much. And I can't spend money on stuff that doesn't excite me much. Now a new gorgeous reclining chair, or a beautiful, functional entertainment center with drawers and doors to hide the TV - now those things would get me excited! (not to mention cost 5 times as much). We went to Hom furniture last week and everything was so beautiful. I wanted it all. Then we had to go look at kitchen chairs... blah. It just wasn't the same kind of fun. I don't know what to do, maybe we should just wait a couple of years until we move into a bigger, nicer house and get new stuff then. The whole situation just has me kinda bummin'.

But then I came back from lunch and saw this little Quicktime movie of a baby that had too much power on it's bum, and when it passed gas it shot it out - and now I can't stop laughing!! So, everything is all good now. Just a little classy humor is all it takes to get this girl back on track.


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