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Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2002
I feel naked.

I forgot to wear my wedding ring today, and it's REALLY bugging me. I rarely do that - about 2 times a year I will forget to put it back on after putting lotion on my hands. I always realize it as I'm driving out of the parking lot on the way to work. I feel so naked. And every so often I forget for a fraction of a second that I left it at home, and I think I've lost it.

Pete is sick today. I think he has a touch of the flu. I've heard it's going around. I sure hope I don't get it. I'm sure it would wipe me out for days. I have enough going on with my body without adding a disease to it right now.

I'm pretty happy with myself - I've finished a fairly good portion of my holiday shopping this year. I would say about 75%. The rest is fairly easy stuff. I know where to find it - no searching involved. I've also started making cards. I decided to make homemade cards this year. I won't be sending out 50 like I did last year, though. Only very close friends and family. I'm going to try and keep it under 20. I went to this cool class at a place called "Archiver's" on Monday evening. They're a store that sells stuff for photo archiving, and scrapbooking and card making - stuff like that. They offer a plethera of free classes so that you'll get all inspired and then go out and spend a fortune in their store. It works.

My toads think it's spring. I've kept their habitat warm enough that they don't even realize it's winter. I know this because they're making mating noises right now. It sounds like a bark. Very cute. I'm glad they have something to keep them busy through the winter months. I don't want them to get bored ;>

I've decided to remove my Name That Baby survey. I can't handle some people's harsh remarks. I don't really want a stranger's opinion anyway. It really only matters what Pete and I think. I was hoping a few of my friends and family that read my journal would fill it out, but nobody did. I think I only put it up for something to do. Maybe I'll make another survey about something trivial.


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