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Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2002
Happy Turkey Day!

I've spent the entire last two days at work trying to learn HTML well enough to use it on eBay. I think I've got it down pretty well. I think I'm going to open my own eBay store. I'm pretty psyched about it. Hopefully, if it goes well, I will be able to bring in somewhat of an income before I possibily quit my job in May. I find learning HTML to be very rewarding. When I get it right, I'm so proud of myself.

My sweet hubby took my out for buffalo wings after work. I was craving them, and without missing a beat he said - "I'll pick you up in the car up top". I didn't even have a chance to think about it. It was fun.

Right now I'm making my Harvest Cidar to bring for Thanksgiving. I love making this stuff - it makes the whole house smell so good.

And I'm waiting for my Buffy re-runs to be done taping so I can watch them. We came home in the middle of them, so I couldn't start watching at the last half hour, now could I? Some of the re-runs are still new to me. I didn't start watching it until this year, so I had about 4 years to catch up on. I never knew what a great show that is. Very well written. I think people hear the name and think it must be stupid. But, it's not a lot like the movie, and it's just good stuff. If you've never watched it before you should really check it out. I was hooked instantly.

Anyway, I'm off to finish my cidar. Everybody have a great Turkey Day weekend.


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