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Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2002
Annoying co-workers

So, I guess with every good aspect of the changes at work, a negative has to come along to balance it out.

I've been having to work with the most idiotic Creative Director ever lately. I've always hated working with him, but being a short-tempered pregnant woman makes things much less tolerable.

It's actually a pretty fun project... but, he's one of those people who seems completely incapable of learning anything new. He can be told something over, and over, and over... and he'll never get it. It's the oddest thing. And very annoying.

Working with him is especially frustrating because he probably makes about four times my salary, and I could design better than he can - PLUS do my own production. He can't do production for shit. Oh, he tries - no matter how many times I tell him not to. He just isn't capable of learning the computer. I think his brain reached it's capacity in 1975. Since then everything just has to spill out the edges. And if he actually DOES take something in and commit it to memory, something else will have to go.

Okay, I'm done bashing on my co-worker... for NOW. Thanks for listening.


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