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Wednesday, Jan. 08, 2003
The ultrasound is scheduled!

We had another Dr's appt. this morning. I have gained 10 lbs. Next time we will do the glucose screening test - to see if I am at risk for Gestational Diabetes. I hope that goes well.

We set up our Ultrasound appt for tomorrow morning! We were going to wait until the 23 or 24th week, but Pete has been selected for Jury Duty, and that starts next Tuesday. We have no idea how long it's going to last, so we didn't want to make the appt for anytime after that for fear that he might miss it!

I'm so excited to find out what we're having I can barely contain myself!! I have sent out an email to all my friends to get their votes on what they think it will be. I have always said "girl" - but I have to admit I really don't know anymore. I don't think the feeling is as strong as before since I had two boy dreams. I'll be happy either way. It will be so much fun to start planning the nursery!! Now we just need to sell our condo so we can actually have a nursery to decorate.

A co-worker and his wife started up this online business for guestbooks - it's a pretty cool idea. They have them for weddings, anniversaries and baby showers. You pick the cover, and the pages are not attached yet. They each have tons of info on them for the people at the event to fill out. Then when it's done you put the pages in the cover and you have a much more valuable keepsake than just a book with a bunch of names in it. I'm totally sold on the idea. And just to be nice, they told me I could pick one out free of charge! Isn't that great? So, go to their site and patronize them so I feel better about taking this nice gift from them!

Tune in tomorrow for the revelation!! (And possibly a belly pick if I can just remember to bring the damn camera in!)


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