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Thursday, Jan. 09, 2003
Finally, some photos!

This is my 21 week belly.

Well, we had our ultrasound this morning. The baby kept sitting on it's foot, so unfortunately, the tech was not 100% sure of the sex. She thinks it is a girl, though.

We may get another one done by this school in Minneapolis. Their 2nd year sonogram students need people to practice on, so they do them for free on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Some friends of ours told us they did it and really enjoyed the experience. The students take a little longer and talk a lot, telling you throughout what they see. The lady that did ours was very tight-lipped, and kind of grumpy. It wasn't the best experience ever.

I am fairly certain that she is right about the girl prediction, though. As you know, Pete and I have had that feeling since day one.


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