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Friday, Jan. 31, 2003
25 weeks

A fellow preggers friend e-mailed me this link to a fun website that has 3D sonogram pictures from every month, and cool stuff like a recording of what our voices and heartbeat sound like to the fetus. Check it out!

Today I am 25 weeks - which is the beginning of 6 months, according to this website. It feels so close now - only 3 months left! This is starting to get very exciting.

I don't feel like Pete and I are any closer to picking a name than we were. We keep trying new ones. We'll call the baby something for about 3-4 weeks and then switch to a different one, to sort of see what sounds comfortable. Right now she's Lucy. If we end up with a boy, though we're going to be stuck. We don't usually try boy names. Although, we don't seem to have as many to choose from either. We really only have about 2-3 that we're considering. With the girl names there are about a dozen.

I fixed my nails last night. They look WAY better. I should start up a side business doing this. Although I don't know if I could do it on other people. I've never tried - it might be easier. My right hand is always a little harder to do - it takes me about a 1 and a 1/2 hours for both. I may get faster over time, though.

Okay, that's all. Ciao-Pazzobello

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