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Thursday, Feb. 06, 2003
Fun Fotos!

Here is a photo of my belly at 25 weeks. It's a definate progression now - no hiding it anymore!

I also just HAD to show you the adorable diapers I decided to go with (among others). I got them yesterday and I had to bring one in to work to show everybody because they are soooo cute! They're called Kissaluvs.

Here's what they'll look like on a little baby...

I can't wait to have this baby. My cousin and his wife just had their baby - a little boy names Alexander Benjamin. That rules out one of the names we were considering. That's okay, though - we have plenty to choose from. He was 8 lbs 6 oz - doesn't it seem like newborns are bigger now a days? I remember when 7 lbs was average, but now it seems like everybody's having 8 lb babies - it's the norm. We're becoming a race of amazons!

My sister-in-law, Jennifer is being induced next Tuesday at 7am. They don't know what they're having, but they're hoping for a boy. They already have one boy and two girls, so this would even out the clan. I hope she gets what she wants.

My other sister-in-law, Barbie is also pregnant (one month behind me, to the day) and she is having her ultrasound today. They are planning to try and find out the sex. I hope they have better luck than we did. They are hoping for a girl, because they already have a boy.

For some reason I have this feeling that we are all going to have girls. That would be kind of cool because then they would all be so close. It's nice to have close cousins. Especially since they won't live far apart either, like I did from mine. (Well, an hour SEEMED far when I was younger).


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