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Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003
complaining, complaining

86 days remaining - 194 days into the pregnancy. That really puts it in perspective, doesn't it? I feel great that I've made it so far with such a minimal amount of complaining :) Of course, if you ask my husband, he may not agree with that statement :>

I've had the hardest time finding a pair of decent looking jeans that don't cost a fortune. Why is it so hard? Sometimes I'll see a pair online at Gap or something, and then I'll get them and they'll look totally different than they did online. The picture will look like the legs have that faded middle, and then they won't or the shade of denim will just be all wrong.

Or if you go to Pea in the Pod, they have some decent looking ones, but their idea of a good deal is marking a $160 pair down to $109. Who has that kind of money to spend on clothes you're going to wear for half a year?

I did find a pair of jeans that I think I'm going to love on eBay. They have embroidery on the cuffs. I hope she sends them soon. I paid immediately, but I haven't gotten a reply to my e-mail.

I've been very disappointed in people's lack of communication lately. I have at least four examples of annoying behavior:

1. The lady who's selling those jeans (above)

2. The girl who bought something from me on eBay and SAID she was sending me a money order about 3 weeks ago - and won't reply to my e-mails asking if she sent it yet.

3. The two daycare ladies that I left messages for in the evening on Thursday to see if they had openings for an infant in the fall (because the source I got their names from says they do) have not bothered to call me back.

4. The Ford people who have my car and said they would call me before 5:00 yesterday didn't - and when I tried to call them I was put on hold for 15 minutes, so I am without my car.

Wow - as I was just writing that one of the daycare ladies called me back. She said she was out of town all weekend. I guess people usually have good excuses - I need to remember that when I'm getting frustrated. She sounds really great. I hope I like her home, because she is super close to work! She is willing to do part-time - yay! We didn't talk money, but I assume most of the places are going to be very close in cost. We will meet her on the 5th of March.

Wow, that's kind of funny - In my first paragraph I'm patting myself on the back for my lack of complaining, and in the rest of the entry I'm complaining! Maybe I'm not doing as well as I thought.


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