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Monday, Feb. 24, 2003

We took my 28 week photo yesterday, but when I compared it to my 25 week I didn't see much difference, so I'm not going to post it.

I've been getting Braxton Hicks contractions. Apparently I've been getting them periodically for awhile now, but I wasn't aware of what they were. Last night they were stronger, so I was more aware of it - and now today I'm reading about them and that's definately what I've been feeling. I don't know what I would do without that thing they call the information superhighway!

I've also been thinking about labor a lot more lately. I'm probably going to be very scared when it happens. It's all going to be so new, and I've never been very good with pain. For some reason, I'm afraid the baby will be big and hard to get out. Whenever they show a baby getting stuck on Birth Day I cringe. My friend's baby broke his collar bone coming out - poor thing. I hope that doesn't happen to mine.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to say I want an epidural. I just hope I don't get any grief about it. I don't know everybody's views on it for sure, but I suppose I can just keep that information to myself if I don't want any feedback. After-the-fact nobody will be able to say anything.

That's something I'm going to have to remember... we will be getting plenty of unsolicited advice and opinions when it comes to labor and raising a child, and I have to always remind myself that ultimately we must do what Pete and I think is best. We can listen to it all and take what we want and discard what we don't want. That's what advice is for, right?

I think that's something I was always a little bit worried about before I got pregnant - the overwhelming opinons of others, but now that I am pregnant I find that I want to hear everybody's views and thoughts on things. I'm an information sponge. I just want to know everything there is to know so I can make the most educated decisions.

Well, maybe not EVERYBODY'S views and thoughts- they have to have some experience in what they're talking about. There's nothing worse than a person full of advice that has never even been through the thing they're advising on. I have an aunt like that - she's never had any children herself, but she always felt entitled to give my mother advice on raising me and my brother. It annoyed my Mom to no end.


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