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Friday, Feb. 28, 2003
They're here!

Hooray! USA Baby called and left a message on my work phone this morning that our crib and dresser are in! We're going to pick it up tomorrow and set it up. I'm sooooo excited!

29 weeks today - I have gained 20 pounds. I'm getting frighteningly close to 140! That's going to be a scary number... but I can handle it.

I have been feeling quite like a house lately. The last two days specifically. It's strange how the growth seems to come in spurts rather than gradually. I've been itchy and tight feeling, so I know I'm being stretched to the limit. I'm sure the stretch marks will show up any day now. I'm not even going to kid myself into thinking I might get away without any - there's just no way. I religiously use my stretch-mark prevention lotion, but I just don't know if it really does anything more than regular lotion. We'll see, I guess.


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