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Friday, Mar. 14, 2003
140 pounds - OH MY!

I know it's been ages since I've written. I've had my nose buried in that book I bought, learning all about every baby product known to man, and adjusting my registry to abide by (most of) their suggestions. I feel like I don't know what I'd have done without this thing - what a great read!

I hit the dreaded 140 mark today. I feel like a house. Now I'm slowly facing the fact that I will most likely hit 150 before all is said and done. Scary. Maybe I should stop weighing myself... it's not like I can go on a diet to prevent it. Although, it does put the scare in me a little bit enough to control my sugar-eating habit a bit. I've definately gone overboard on the sweets during this pregnancy.

My hubby is on a broccoli diet (that's what he calls it). He eats nothing but broccoli for one meal of the day. He loves broccoli so it's not as difficult for him as some other types of diets would be. I've been very impressed with his self-control - especially with the way I eat! I think this is one diet that's going to work for him. Just so he doesn't lose that cute bubble-butt I fell in love with.


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