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Monday, Mar. 24, 2003
Pissed Off

I'm a little peeved at the moment.

I've known all along that our Birth & Parenting class instructor was very much one-sided on the whole natural birth thing. But, I was just going over the syllabus that she gave us at the first class, and I see that she was supposed to go over pain medications last week and didn't. So, unless she goes over it tonight, my suspicions about her neglecting to give us all the facts are most likely correct. And it annoys me. I'm paying $80 for information and I'm not getting all of it. I like to make my own decisions, thank you. AFTER I have ALL the facts. It appears she's choosing to keep us ignorant about medication in the hopes that we won't choose it because all we know is the breathing and techniques that SHE taught us.

I hope I have the guts to bring it up in class if I need to. I may choose to go natural, in the end. But, that's MY choice, not hers.

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