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Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003
Bitch, bitch bitch...

I am getting so uncomfortable. I feel like my middle is full up to my lungs all the time. I can't breathe well, I can't bend over to cut my toe-nails or put on my socks easily. My toe-nail polish is a chipped mess and I can't even fix it in order to wear my sandals.

I'm not sleeping as well anymore. Either I get cramps in the middle of the night or the baby starts up whenever I move to a different position. OR I'm peeing all the time.

She's started kicking me in such a way that it actually hurts sometimes. I guess I knew it would happen eventually. She kicks my sides, like right on my ribs or something. It gets tender if she does it too many times in a row. She has a couple of really active times - around 7pm, and around midnight. She just goes berzerk - not necessarily kicking, but wiggling - like she's trying to get comfortable too. It'll go on for easily a half an hour before she wears herself out and goes back to sleep.

My hair is ugly. I tried coloring it kind of a bright copper red about 2 weeks ago, but it took funny. Pretty well at the roots, but hardly at all towards the ends - so my hair is all two-toned - but not in a good way. I don't know if it's because I'm pregnant, and the color isn't taking the same or what. It's just odd - because usually the ends take the color faster than the roots, and the exact opposite happened.

So, now I'm torn whether to:

1. try it again with a lighter red and risk damaging my hair too much and wanting to cut it off (and also risk that it won't work for the second time).

2. Get a dark, shiney semi-permenant color that closely resembles my natural and continue growing it out without damaging it further, or

3. pay a much larger sum of money at a salon to try getting what I really want. (but take the risk that I still won't get what I really want but I'll be out $50+ versus the $7 a box of haircolor costs at the drugstore.)

So, I'm going to complain a little more - if you think you can take it. The baby registry at Babies 'R' Us sucks. First, they consistently miss marking things off the registry that people have bought, so I'm getting doubles and having to return them - which in my current state is an unpleasant (and should be unnecessary) task - especially when it's a big item. Second, they pulled the wrong color travel-system out of the back (but had it labled right on the receipt) so that when we got it home it was wrong. And now, I'm too lazy to take back the GIGANTIC box it came in to get the right color, so I'm keeping something that I don't like as much. Third, they have no way of putting both mine and my husbands name on the registry so that his family and friends can pull up his name instead of trying to remember how to spell mine. And lastly, if you call and ask them to put something on hold, they put the wrong item on hold - but, it's so similar that you don't realize it's the wrong item until you get it out of the box and try to use it. So, that's another thing that I got home and decided it's not exactly what I want, but can't decide if it's enough of a big deal to haul my pregnant ass down to the store and exchange it.

In our Birth and Parenting class, they make you lay on the hard floor for the last hour doing breathing and relaxing exercises. Meanwhile my arm and side are going to sleep and aching to the point where all I can concentrate on is getting up off the floor! And it causes me to be stiff for the rest of the night. Now, why do they insist we get on the floor? We're pregnant ferchrissakes - we don't like getting up and down off the floor!

Okay, I think I feel better. Fair warning: I have a feeling these last 7 weeks may be filled of more entries similar to this one. I'm much grumpier these days than I was in the beginning. Thank God I wasn't this way the whole time! Poor Pete.

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