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Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003
Good doctor

I had a really great doctor's visit yesterday. I really like her. I'm glad we got so lucky in getting her. I never got a referral or anything - I just picked her from the network because she worked at the clinic really close to us and she's a woman. I never dreamed I'd be so happy with my choice.

I raised a few questions about some things that have been causing me anxiety concerning labor, and she was able to put my mind at ease on every issue. We think a lot alike, which is nice. She doesn't have any crazy ideas about my labor and birth that are far out on left field. We agree on how things should be handled so far.

So, I came to work in a much better mood yesterday than I have in awhile, and I'm still feeling chipper today. I am, however, still uncomfortable. But, I know that's only going to get worse, so I'm not even going to start my complaining.

6 weeks left as of tomorrow! That seems like nothing. I will blink my eyes and she will be here before I know it. I can hardly wait.

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