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Friday, Apr. 04, 2003
I'm a cow.

I'm not feeling like a cute & feminine pregnant girl anymore. I feel big, clumsy and ugly. Some of my maternity pants are getting too tight. I still have 6 weeks to go! What am I going to wear for the rest of my pregnancy if I can't find stuff to wear now? I don't want to buy anymore maternity clothes. I want to spend my money on cute baby things. I hope I go into labor early. 38 weeks would be really nice - still full term, but a good two weeks earlier. That would be REALLY nice.

On a positive note. My folks decided to reschedule their trip up here. I was flipping out because they'd scheduled it for 13 days after my due date, and I thought "What if I go past my due date?" - "What if I get a C-section and have to stay in the hospital 2 extra days?" It's not uncommon at all for a first-time Mom to go past her due-date - sometimes as much as two weeks - in which case I would be in the hospital during their visit. Not cool. Even if I did deliver before they arrived, I would like more than a few days to get adjusted to the new baby and all the changes (not to mention HEAL a little) before I have out of town visiters- even if they are just my parents. My Mom was very understanding and decided that it would be better all around if they came later in the summer. The baby will be older and more alert - I will be all healed up (and hopefully back in shape), and Pete and I will have our routine down pat. It was a load off.

I'm having a bit of a dilema about whether or not to schedule my last day at work, or just work right up until I go into labor. I feel like I could probably work all the way to the end, and I know I would probably go stir crazy at home waiting. But, I also think it would be nice to have a few days to tie up any loose ends at home, and prepare people at work for my departure. I don't want to leave any projects half done. Either way I'm sure we could make it work, but it's something to think about. I'll probably just keep working - more paychecks that way.

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