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Friday, Apr. 11, 2003
Bump Scare

Baby gave me a little scare last night. She's started moving considerably less, and at around 9pm I realized I hadn't hardly felt her move at all for at least 24 hours. So, for a half hour I sat, staring at my abdomen, waiting for some movement. Pete even tried shining a light on my belly and talking to her. She wouldn't budge. Finally, she woke up and started moving a little bit. But, it's still not nearly as much as usual. I know it's normal to have active times and not-so-active times, but it was a serious decline from her usual amount of movement.

I feel okay now that I've felt her move a few times throughout the night, though. I think maybe she's either going through a growth spurt and is sleepy because of it, or she is conserving her energy from now on for the big day. Plus, I know she's running out of room in there, so maybe she's just not ABLE to move as much - it just seemed sudden. I thought if that were the case, the decline would be more subtle - over a period of days or weeks.

Pete also suggested that maybe she found a comfortable position and is kicking less because of it. I did notice that she has definately moved. I used to be able to locate her bum, but it's not in the spot it was anymore.

I am 35 weeks as of today - that means I could have a baby in my arms as soon as 3 weeks, or as far away as 7 weeks. Either way, it's pretty soon!

We're having such beautiful weather, I've been in a really good mood because of it. It's supposed to be gorgeous all weekend as well. I'll have to get out for some walks! Plus, my shower is tomorrow - hooray! I don't think my friend Tracy is going to make it though - which bums me out. It's frustrating... she just can't seem to manage her time well. Michelle is driving all the way back from Wisconsin early for it. She's at a dance competition right now. They're so different that way, it's funny.

I wore the wrong pants today. I think these jeans are okay standing, but much too confining sitting. I think I will go home for lunch and change them. I can't believe I'm outgrowing my maternity clothes! When they tell you you're going to wear your same size throughout the pregnancy, I'm thinking that's only true for a very small percentage of women. If you go over the 35 pound mark, you're screwed. I'm at 33 right now, and I'm already having trouble with some things.

No projects to do currently - and it's beautiful and sunny outside. I'm thinking I may not be able to stay here at work for much longer. Boss-man is out of town too, so this is a day just begging to play hookey.

Have a nice weekend! Ciao-P

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