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Friday, Apr. 18, 2003
"Right and Wrong"

I just heard on the news last night that now experts are saying a baby's learning abilities can be hindered from the use of white noise, and households that are especially loud. I've always heard that white noise is soothing to a lot of babies, and to avoid being too quiet in your house, so the baby will learn to sleep through noise.

I guess this is just another one of those cases where what's "right" is reversed every so many years. It's no wonder Mom's are plagued with feelings of guilt all the time. You try to read up on what's good for your child, and 10 years down the road they're telling you that you did everything wrong.

All this SIDs stuff is a perfect example. On the stomach, on the side, on the back. It switches around about every 5 years. It's something every Mother fears - but you do what's considered the right thing to do at the time, and just hope you make it through.

Nearly every decision I've had to make so far concerning my child has at least two very different viewpoints on the matter. I guess it just boils down to the fact that you really need to get all the information you can and make the most educated decision possible with what you know.

Whether to use a bassinet has been an issue for me. I have the crib set up in the room where I'll be sleeping, so I've already got the convenience part covered. I know I can put the baby right in there from day one, but it just seems so cold and open (especially without a bumper or a comforter - because the SIDs Alliance says they're bad). I worry that she won't feel very safe & secure if I do that. On the other hand, if I use a bassinet for the first few months, eventually we will have to make the transition to the crib and that could be traumatic too. What's right? I guess I'll just have to experiment.

Raising a child is all about experimenting, isn't it? That seems like a horrible thing to say. I've been reading everything I can get my hands on, trying to make choices and decisions concerning her well-being since the day I found out I was pregnant. But, it hasn't helped as much as I thought it would. There are just too many "if's" that I'll have to wait and see about when she comes.

I had a dream about her last night. She had Pete's personality. It's hard to explain, but it was adorable.

Today I am 4 weeks away from my due date. I have a doctor's appointment at 4:15. I'm sick of going to the doctor - but I do have a couple of questions to ask her. It's going to be strange because I was supposed to have my appt on Wednesday, and the clinic had to reschedule for today. So, now I have another apointment NEXT Wednesday again and it will seem very soon. But, I have to go weekly now, so what do I do? I suppose I could cancel today's, but I feel like I shouldn't.

Well, I'm getting boring - I must be kind of wired lately, because I want to write every thought in here lately. I may have some days where I post a couple of times, so be sure and check. (I already did that a few entries back).


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