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Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2003
Blood pressure worries

Last night I got treated to a pedicure by my sweet husband. He got me a gift certificate about a week ago, since I can barely touch my toes and I've been complaining that sandal season is upon us, and my feet are ugly! They look great now - pretty spring-time pink toes! My hubby is the best.

I had another doctor's appointment this morning. My blood pressure has been significantly elevated the last two visits, and some swelling in my hands and feet has occured. Dr. Liu wants to monitor me carefully for signs of toxemia. If it gets any worse, she says we'll have to discuss the possibility of inducing early. I'll be 37 weeks this Friday, though, so the baby will not be in danger - she would just like her to get a little bit bigger first so I don't have any trouble nursing.

I am dilated to a 1 and the baby is head-down, in the right position - so all the conditions are favorable if we do have to induce. I'm not too worried about it. I just hope nothing harms Bump. I'm supposed to watch my salt intake and up the water - she also said grapefruit juice is good because it will help me to stop retaining water. If I get any headaches or pains in my right side I'm supposed to let her know. She said to just take it easy.

It's kind of strange, because I HAVE been having some side-aches lately. Except on my left. And if I let myself get too hungry, it really hurts! I've never had hunger pains like that before. I'm not sure if the baby has dropped completely or not, but I feel like I have quite the appetite these last few days, so maybe.

Oh, and that project I was complaining about yesterday turned out really well. We got it done with time to spare, and it turned out beautifully. So, I guess I was complaining for nothing (although, worrying about it probably didn't help my blood pressure any).

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