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Thursday, Apr. 24, 2003
Low Sodium Diet

Does anybody else think it's weird that I look at the clock almost every day at 2:22 and 3:33? I mean, seriously, it's a daily occurance! I think it's weird. It's not like I look at the clock every few minutes or anything - at least, I don't think I do. Anyway, I just thought it was weird.

I'm trying to limit my salt intake, and boy is that hard. First, I keep forgetting - like this morning, I ate an egg mcmuffin, BAD! It just didn't even occur to me. So, just now I was researching online what foods are high in sodium, and what foods are okay, because I seriously don't know about a lot of them. Except for the obvious ones, like chips and ham. And I'm finding that there is basically nothing I can safely eat for the rest of my pregnancy, save fresh fruits and veggies - and maybe some bread. I mean, how do people do that?? I'd rather go on a low-fat diet than a low-sodium diet! This is going to be hard! Thank goodness I only have a few weeks left.

We went to the drug-store over lunch so I could check my blood-pressure. It was still up. I took three readings, and my best result was 142/91 - Doc said to call her if it's over 140/90. But, I think I will try harder to avoid salt tonight and tomorrow, and continue to down the water by the gallon. If at lunch tomorrow my BP is still over the limit, I will call. I think my diet today wasn't good enough, and I probably screwed myself. I ordered a tuna sandwich for lunch thinking that would be a good choice - but I've now discovered it isn't. See what I mean?

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