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Monday, Apr. 28, 2003
Still changes

I've been having a lot of contractions lately. My body is practicing. Some of them are the kind that I got earlier in my pregnancy, where my abdomen just tightens up and there is no pain involved. But now, I'm also getting some cramp-like ones that are somewhat painful. They woke me up several times last night.

It's amazing to me how much things continue to change, even this late in my pregnancy. Recently, I've been quite emotional - stressing easily and worrying about things unnecessarily. Plus, I have quite the appetite. I think Bump may have engaged in my pelvis recently, because I notice a bit of a waddle when I walk, and I can eat much bigger quantities without feeling like half the food is coming up my throat. I thought her dropping would be more obvious, though. I suppose the fact that I have a long torso is effecting that as well. I do feel more comfortable than I did. Although, just as they said, I do have to pee a bit more. I should rephrase that - it FEELS like I have to pee more often... but inevitably when I get to the bathroom there's barely anything there.

I get side-aches, and stomach pains more than usual - probably just all the pressure being put on my organs, and possibly my stuffing myself too full when I eat. I'm still trying to watch my salt intake, but it's difficult. I'm continuously watching for other signs of toxemia, and as long as I don't see any of those, I'm going to try not to worry about it too much. I think my worrying about what I can and can't eat was stressing me out much more than knowing I have slightly elevated blood pressure.

This Thursday is May 1st - that will be monumental... the month I will give birth. It's so close now. Some days I can't wait, and others I am quite nervous about it. Sometimes I'll be really tired and I'll think, "What if I go into labor NOW? I don't have the energy to give birth right now." I know it will all be taken care of when the time comes - supposedly you get a burst of energy right before, so if I'm that tired, it won't really be time.

I just can't help but think, I only have about 2 weeks, give or take, before my life is changed forever. Nothing will ever be the same again. I hope I can handle it.


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