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Tuesday, Apr. 29, 2003
Worry wort

Everything I read scares me lately. The other day I read about different personality types in babies. They categorized them into three groups (which I know is ridiculous)... easy, slow-to-warm-up, and difficult. They say that babies are programmed to be how they're going to be, and nothing you can do will change that. The only thing you can hope to accomplish is to adjust yourself to the baby, and be accepting, no matter what she's like. It's just scary to think I could have one of those babies that cries all the time for no reason, won't eat, won't sleep and just seems generally unhappy with life. Only to have her turn into one of those toddlers that gets into EVERYTHING and never gives you a moment's rest.

And then I'm reading anamlabodis diary, talking about her 1 month old and how she's still having some trouble with breastfeeding, and I worry some more. I gotta stop reading this stuff, but it's like I'm hooked. I feel like I need to read about some real-world experience so I can properly prepare myself for what I'm getting into. Plus, I truly enjoy reading about other people's experiences.

I'm sure worry just comes with the new job of motherhood.


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