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Wednesday, Apr. 30, 2003
This is getting real!

We had our doctor's appointment this morning. She's still concerned about my blood pressure readings, even though I'm showing no other signs of toxemia. I guess a high BP is enough to cause some damage to my organs and/or the baby. So, she's scheduled an ultrasound for today, to check how the baby's doing. And she also scheduled an appt for next Thursday, the 8th to induce labor. I will be one day short of 39 weeks.

If everything is going really well with the baby at the ultrasound, and she is still very small, we may cancel the appointment for inducing - but if there are any signs of stress and the baby looks like she is big enough, we are going to go ahead with it.

It was rather unexpected. I didn't realize that a high BP alone was enough to justify inducing. But, I trust Dr Liu and want to do what's best for Bump. I'm slowly getting used to the idea.

It's very hard to concentrate on work today. It's weird having it all scheduled and planned. But, it does have its pluses. I'm such a planner usually, that you'd think I'd be all over the idea - but something about it just doesn't sit right. I have some strange reasons for being somewhat opposed to inducing, but none of them outweigh Bump's safety... so that's going to have to be the bottom line.

I'm spacy. Maybe I'll write more later after we have the ultrasound.


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