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Thursday, May. 01, 2003
Ultrasound results

The ultrasound was good. The baby looks healthy, and unstressed. So, now Pete and I can decided what we would like to do. We are going to continue checking my blood pressure until Monday, and if it doesn't go down, we will probably go ahead with inducing next Thursday. Just because things could change, and why keep her in a risky environment if we don't have to? Plus, there are my organs to consider. I could be doing damage to them.

The idea is growing on me. I'm beginning to think the pros of inducing labor outweigh the cons. And I don't want to take any unnecessary risks.

I still haven't spoken to the doctor, though. We kept missing each other last night. I hope to hear from her today - to see if that's still what she recommends. I'm fairly sure it will be.

One thing that has me a little concerned is that the baby isn't emptying her bladder very often. The sonographer made a comment that she had a very full bladder, and I remember the last sonographer making the same comment. It could be nothing, she may just be holding it longer than necessary, but it could be that something's not working right, and that's a little scary. I want to ask Dr. Liu about that as well. I suppose there's no way for her to know for certain until she's born. I just hope she's okay.

Currently, they think the baby is about 6 pounds 9 ounces. Of course there is definately room for error when predicting weight. But, if she is, then that gives her a week to gain enough to go over 7 pounds. That will be a good weight, I think.

Well, that's all for now. Ciao-P

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