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Friday, May. 02, 2003
It's really happening!

I finally got to talk to my doctor last night. She always makes me feel so much better about things. I like that she talks a lot - sometimes it's kind of hard to get a word in edgewise, but I'd rather have a doctor that talks a lot than not. She told me that she would still like to go ahead with the induction next Thursday. She's made an appointment for 7am. The reason for the sonogram was to determine if we could even WAIT until Thursday - if the baby had shown any distress, she was going to bump it up to sooner.

The baby got a score of 8 out of 8 - which means she's doing great, very healthy, and showing no signs of distress. Dr Liu told me not to worry about her holding her bladder - there is plenty of amniotic fluid. If she wasn't peeing at all, there would be a lot less fluid around her.

Her weight is good, and my cervix is favorable. I guess this is really going to happen! I'm much more comfortable with the idea, now that I've had a couple of days for it to sink in.

It's actually really nice to know, because I can tie up all the loose ends at work first. Although, the way I've been feeling, I think I could go into labor on my own before the 8th. I've been having A LOT of Braxton Hicks contractions - plus, I think I lost my mucous plug last night. I've had a lot of pinkish tissue coming out of me (too much information?). Anyway, I know I'm dialating. So, you never know.


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