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Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2003
My arm is so rude.

So Pete and I are having lunch today at Red Lobster, when this old man (I'd say about 80 or so) approaches our table and says "Can I bother you for a minute?" We say "Sure." Generally, I really like old people, and I figured that whatever he'd come over to say would be a hoot.

Anyway, he says "I bought a new pair of pants yesterday and they cost me $120 - not these, but another pair", We're all "yeah..." then he says, "I'd venture a guess that that tatoo on your arm cost at least that - just think of all the clothes you could've bought with the money you spent on something you'll regret someday."

I decide I'm not in the mood to argue with him, so I just say "Actually, it cost $50" And he says "You know that'll leave a horrible looking scar when you have it removed." I just smiled and said "Yeah, you're probably right."

He walks away. Then when we're leaving he's flirting with the hostess and I smile at him on the way out. He says "Good luck - next time wear long sleeves."

I guess ya gotta chuckle that the guy felt so strongly about his hatred for tatoos that he had to approach a complete stranger and give her a lecture... but, c'mon buddy.

I had no idea that some fall leaves blowing in the wind on my right arm was going to offend someone so terribly.

Go figure.

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