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Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2003
Paper Muncher

Lucy just loves anything paper. And yesterday, when I went to Janeen's during lunch to nurse her, she had a big wad stuck to the roof of her mouth. I didn't know it was there at first, and I was trying to get her to nurse, and she wouldn't latch on. Then she fussed a little - I couldn't figure it out. Then she gagged a little bit and a wad of paper came out! I felt terrible - poor little thing. Janeen felt really bad about it too.

Then last night when I was changing her poopy diaper, she had a little wad of paper in there! I don't know what her fascination with it is.

I need to make more of an effort to introduce new foods to her. She eats her oatmeal really well now. I did give her sweet potatoes the other day and she liked those, but she didn't go for the green beans too well. Sweet peas she's okay with, but she still makes faces.

I guess I have tried more than I thought I had - but they're few and far between, usually I just go with the stuff I know she likes. Sometimes I put fruit in her oatmeal, she seems to like everything but peaches - I think they were kind of tart. And bananas make her poop like mad. (Too much information?)

I still haven't tried any of the mixed baby food varieties with meat in them. Something about that scares me. I guess I just feel like she's too little to be able to digest complex proteins yet. But, I guess if she can pass paper through, she should be able to do turkey :)

Here is one of our family pictures that I picked up from Penney's yesterday.


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