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Wednesday, Apr. 21, 2004
Excited for moving day!

For some reason I just don't feel like writing much these days.

I'm getting VERY excited for our move. We are one week and two days away from closing. Yesterday Hom called and our new living room furniture is in, so I scheduled a delivery for a week from Friday. It's all falling together perfectly. I sure hope it doesn't rain on May 1st. That's really the only thing that I'm worried about.

I called and verified that the truck is in fact reserved for us, because Pete had a friend that rented one from that same place and when he got there to pick it up on moving day they didn't have it! I don't know what we would do in a case like that! We have 11 people lined up to help us. I sure hope they all come through. Things should go very quickly if they all do. We're going to get a party sub and a cooler full of beers to make everybody happy.

Lucy is doing great. All the little kids at her daycare are getting this nasty flu bug, though. And I'm really worried that she might get it too. Although, there is a chance that it already attacked her and she was able to fight it off with only a fever and a little crankiness. Because on Sunday and Monday she wasn't quite herself. No throwing up or diarhea though - so it may have only been teething - she's been kind of working on the two on the sides of her upper front teeth, but they just won't break through. Also, we started packing heavily last Saturday, so she may have been weirded out by all the commotion. Who knows... the guessing game continues :)


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