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Wednesday, Apr. 28, 2004
Poor sick little baby

I've decided to unlock my diary again. It's just more fun to write when you think somebody might be reading it.

Tomorrow we close on the house. It's finally happening! I can hardly wait. Our current living situation is less than pleasant with piles of boxes everywhere and just the bare necessitites available to us. Pete keeps saying "It's like we're camping!"

Poor Lucy. Her little world is really being rocked right now. Her environment is changing all the time, and she doesn't know which end is up. To top it off, she got severely ill last week. It started on Wednesday night - she vomited in her bed. When I went in to check on her it smelled rancid - so I tried to clean it up the best I could without waking her. Then about and hour later, I heard her vomiting again. It went on like that for the whole next day and part of Friday. She barely ate. All day Thursday she just layed on the couch or me and took little cat naps and watched her Einstein videos. When a little 11 month old girl doesn't leave the couch for an entire day, you know she's feeling like crap.

On top of the vomiting, she's had SEVERE diarhea. She got the worst little rash, which resulted in screaming and fighting at every diaper change... of which there were many. She's just now getting her appetite back. I've had to feed her plain noodles, dry toast, cheerios, bananas, crackers. Anything plain and non-acidy that won't upset her tummy again.

She had no interest in Pedialite - which really scared me. I was so nervous that she would get dehydrated. I tried grape and fruit flavors, and she doesn't like either one. She was still able to nurse, just a little at a time. I'm convinced that's what saved her from dehydrating. She would drink water sometimes, but not what I consider to be enough... and juice is too acidic.

Anyway, it was a long looooooooong 4 day weekend. She's back in daycare and acting much more like her old self. I tried to introduce some ham into her dinner last night, but I think she's afraid of those foods. She remembers what they did to her last time and just wants to stick with plain noodles for now.

On top of all this craziness, we've been trying to pack. She needed me to hold her pretty much constantly, so I had to do any packing I could during her naps and after she went to bed at night. I'm happy to say that we are about 90% done. I have no doubt that we'll be able to finish before we pick up the truck at 3:00 on Saturday.

I hope all goes well. We're having beautiful 80 degree weather today - but apparently it is going to be fleeting. Back down into the 50's for the next several days. That's what Pete prefers, but not me - bring on the HOT weather!! I can take it!

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