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Wednesday, May. 05, 2004
It's the journey

Slowly, but surely, the house is getting settled. The boxes are nearly all unpacked, but after finishing Lucy's room (and LOVING it!), I feel the rest of the house needs a little boost.

First, the bad stuff: The carpet stinks and it's driving us nuts. Apparently the previous owners had a little pet problem that was somehow masked (quite well, I might add) when we were shown the house. Unless the dog freaked out about the move and had several accidents after we already purchased it. So, we're having it professionally cleaned tomorrow, and I can't wait. It think it will improve our enjoyment of our new home immensely.

I need to install things that will cause a lot of noise... such as the baby gate at the top of the stairs, and a towel bar in the bathroom. Not to mention hanging a gazillion pictures. I can't do it after Lucy goes to sleep, and I don't want to do it while she's awake, at least not the jobs that take a drill, because It's kind of dangerous. So, I've asked my husband to do them for me while I'm playing with Lucy, but unfortunately he has other priorities and I'm stuck waiting for him to get around to it. It's frustrating, because I like to get things done. I'm not a 'put it off until tomorrow' kind of person. I'm happiest when my list of things to do is complete.

The lack of storage is getting to me as well. There is plenty of open space, but very little storage and closet space. I'm feeling like we need to purchase pieces of furniture that have storage, but I have no money to spend. I've already put over $2000 on my credit card that I can't pay off in one month, and I'm sick about it. Yet, more things keep coming up that I can't seem to put off, so I continue to spend.

There are things that I love about this house though - the water for example. It's so much softer than our old place. I don't have to dry everything by hand so that they aren't left with disgusting spots. And the shower looks so nice, no soap scum :)

The light in my bathroom ROCKS! I have a skylight, and I feel like my skin looks good in the morning when I'm getting ready. And that's saying a lot... because I have been feeling seriously ugly for, like, a year now.

I love that Lucy has her own room now, I love that we have two TV's with satelite, so I don't have to have to watch sports 24/7. I love that we can put all our recycling items into one big bin without separating them, I love parking my car in a garage and not having to walk up 3 giant flights of stairs with Lucy every day after work to get home. I love that Pete can watch TV downstairs after I go to bed, and I can't hear it.

It's all going to be very good. It's a work in progress, and it wouldn't be any fun to get it all done in the first week. I need to remind myself of that. It's the journey, not the destination.


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