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Wednesday, May. 19, 2004
Cute, cute cute...

Everytime I look at this picture, I get tears in my eyes that my little girl is such a little dollface! Sorry for the shameless bragging, but it is my diary, so I'm entitled :)

House stuff... hmmm, let's see. Okay, so we got the carpet cleaned - the smell was still there, we got the carpet cleaned again - the smell was still there. Pete pulled up the carpet in the area where the smell seemed worst and the concrete floor underneath was still soaked with dog pee. How disgusting is that. It was so bad, and had been that way for apparently so long that the tack board was rotten.

That was enough for us to decide to bite the bullet and get new carpet. We're 1/2 way done tearing out the current carpet (well, I should say, Pete's halfway done), and he's been using everything he can get his hands on in the area of floor where the dog obviously went - he's tried bleach, vinegar, rug doctor enzyme cleaner. The smell is much better - but we still will have to paint the floor with Kills before the new carpet and pad are installed - which is next Thursday (a week from tomorrow). Is that one entire 7 line sentence? Wow - nobody said my literary skills didn't need work. Oh wait, I see one period, it's two sentences - I can live with that.

Pete has also been working hard in the yard - he raked, layed some grass seed especially for shady areas, and has been religiously watering every day that it hasn't rained. Hopefully the yard will improve. We may have to wait until next year to treat for weeds - so we don't kill off the new grass seedlings.

The inside is improving. I need to do some more painting, but have not been looking forward to it. Things are in a state of tolerable-ness right now, so I can put it off untill I feel more like it.

Pete and I need a date night. I feel like we haven't been getting along. He says I have no patience for him, so I don't know if it's all me or what. He's been working so hard at the carpet and the yard, I really have no reason to be pissy with him. I've been trying to figure out if I'm harboring ill feelings for something that's happened recently, and it's just not on the surface.

He did kind of blow off Mother's Day, and that hurt a little bit - but I don't think that's it. I've been feeling especially broke lately, and he scolded me for letting my MC get a little out of hand - but I don't think that's it either. I guess it's just a bunch of little things piling up. I have a tendency to internalize all the little stuff because I don't want to sound like a nag. Like, if I think he's walking too loud on the hardwood floors after Lucy's gone down, I'll suck it up - or if he selectively doesn't hear me half a dozen times in a day - I'll try to ignore it. I'm probably just getting used to the new house, and my stress-o-meter is a bit on the senstive side.

On a happy note - we're getting Lucy's 1 year pictures taken tomorrow. I'm always excited for new pictures. I'm going to change her outfit once so she'll get a chance to wear the birthday gifts from both Grandmas. Very summery, very cute - showing lots of roly-poly skin :) She has such cute little arms and legs, I love showing them!

Her birthday was small and fun - we had Pete's parents over for grilling. We took pictures with her digging in the gifts, posing with the #1 candle in her brownie, and stuffing the brownie in her face. Very cute.

Okay, I think I've overused the word "cute" in this entry - but what's a doting mother to do?


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