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Wednesday, May. 26, 2004
Cats stink

Tomorrow we get our new carpet - THANK GOD! Boy, when a cat sprays, that stuff sticks around! We've treated that floor in every way known to man and because we only went up to the edge of the floor, not underneath and up the wall a bit with the Kilz - you can still smell it when you get down close.

We've put vinegar, bleach, enzyme cleaner, and now Kilz in that area. We took off the floor boards and cleaned them with Murphy's Oil soap, and now tonight we need to put more Kilz into the edges and up the wall under the floor boards to be sure. We may end up having to paint the walls even.

How in God's name did this woman not smell that? I wil be so happy when this is done.

So, I'm having a surprise birthday party for my man on Saturday. I'm psyched about it. He turns 35. I hope he doesn't figure it out. Luckily I have two days at home to do some planning before then, while he's at work. I hope he enjoys it. He's got a friend coming into town from Colorado that he never gets to see. That was a nice little surprise that he was going to be around - makes the party all that much more fun for Petey.

I think I'm going to go buy Lucy a bicycle helmet after work today. I'm going to pick her up early and take her with me to make sure it fits right. I got a free jogging stroller from my brother-in-law but it can tip back if you're not careful, so I want to make sure her little head is well protected. Not to mention, when I'm roller blading, I get going pretty darn fast, and after having that stupid wheel fall of the other one I'm not taking any more chances.

Okay, I'm boring - but that's all for now.


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